Maybe This is All We Need... ~ Frou Frou Fashionista - Luxury Lingerie Blog for Faire Frou Frou

Wednesday, August 19

Maybe This is All We Need...

Chris Floyd mens shirt

image by Chris Floyd, copyright 2009

Perhaps we should just forget all of the silky underthings to create a sexy look and go with a tried-and-true classic; the men's dress shirt. There certainly is something appealing about the look...that's why we're bringing in a lovely women's British label this Fall to offer a similar style to our customers (we'll let you know when we get this mystery label!).
We're beginning to wonder what we love more in this photo; the cozy men's shirt, the model with her cute haircut, or that gorgeous chinoiserie wallpaper. Actually, this image just goes to show that casual/loungewear does not have to be frumpy!

(P.S. - Silky underthings are still a must...we were only playing with you!) xox

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26 fabulous comments:

Ms. B @ Millie Deel said...

I love that wallpaper too! How about sexy little lacy things underneath the classic men's white shirt, now that's the perfect combo!

Hope you're having a wonderful week!


Unknown said...

Ms. B - of course, you are so right! what were we thinking?!?! thanks for the input.

ticklishfromadistance said...

Agreed! Love it!

Fifi Flowers said...

oooh la la... yessssss a little sexy matching set under the mens shirt is a MUST!!!

MAGDArling said...

i think women look so sexy in man's white shirts;)))

Stephanie said...

I agree. And I absolutely love her hair.

Draffin Bears said...

Beautiful photo, love everything, about this the white shirt, hair, and wallpaper.


Fabulous Finds Gal said...

I agree too!!
Fabulous Finds Gal

Beth Connolly said...

The Chinoiserie wallpaper, but you knew I would say that!

Sherin said...

I think thats Gemma Arteton in that picture. She is stunning. And the shirt looks so comfortable.

Natalia | Look-A-Porter said...

I like Gemma Arterton, she is so beautiful. A true James Bond girl. :) I think that's why they chose her for a campaign. I think wearing a man's shirt and pretty much nothing else or very little, would make any woman feel so sexy. Love the photo, love the shirt, love everything about it. Thanks for sharing it!


Miss G* said...

The men's shirt is probably the most glaour thing to wake up. In films, it's the kind of scene you can see again and again and always love it.

Heather Taylor said...

Oh my God, yes, yes and a double side of yes to the mens dress shirt! It is such a sexy underrated piece to wear. I'm looking around for one to sleep in at this moment actually!

Susan said...

I love this look, too!
have a great day, xoxo

RockWithFashion said...

a man`s shirt always do a girl more sexy.
its maybe a perfect look

Lauren said...

i agree with you! i love this look.

Jennifer Fabulous said...

Sexy! I love men's shirts! One of my favorite outfits to wear in the fall is a large white button-down men's shirt with a large men's watch and tight jeans. Oh, and disheveled hair. Not sure why, but I feel so cool when I go out in public like that. Hehe. :)

{Tara} said...

So perfect! I do admit that lounging around in an oversized man's oxford always afeels effortlessly sexy! Btw, I'm adding you to my blog list!

DS said...

I so love this. What woman does not look sexy as hell in a man's white shirt? ANY man's shirt? it's got such a magical appeal...and comfy too!

Aline said...

it is so sexy

dobrya said...

love this look--the shirt, the hair, the chair, the wallpaper. c'est magnifique! thanx for the blog visit. :)

Noelle + Kendall said...

Love the look!

-N + K

Marsi @ The Cottage Cheese said...

I love the men's shirt! I have a pair of creamy silk mens' style pajamas, but I never wear the bottoms. And yes, that model's hair is gorgeous! I had a similar (though longer) bob last winter, but grew my hair out for my wedding. I'm dying to go back to the bob!

Anonymous said...

It's even sexier if it still has his scent on it....

wasabi prime said...

There is an undeniable allure of a simple white dress shirt. There may be frilly loveliness underneath, or nothing at all. I think most people would agree that is a win-win situation.

L A M A R T I N É said...

the chinoiserie wallpaper.....and silky underthings in the bedroom make for a happy couple!