Thank You for the Awards! ~ Frou Frou Fashionista - Luxury Lingerie Blog for Faire Frou Frou

Wednesday, July 22

Thank You for the Awards!

"Thank you!"
A photo I took of peonies at home

We are so honored to receive the sweet blog awards that are given to us, and we are particularly honored by the blogs that have created awards specifically inspired by our site! That's pretty cool!
We wanted to dedicate this post to the latest awards we received, and spread the love to the other blogs we enjoy (which in truth is about 75 sites!!).

The "Irresistible Blog Award", inspired by and created for the Frou Frou Fashionista by Fashion Titbits! Thank you Little Rus! We pass this award along to the following blogs (we know it's a long list, but we had a very hard time cutting down!!!):

The "Sexy Blogger Award", inspired by and created for the Frou Frou Fashionista by Absolutely Ladylike. We love it! Thank you Miss Eve! We pass this award on to the following blogs:
The "I Love Your Blog" Award from Moon Face! A belated official thank you! We pass this award on to:
The "In the Know" from Gals in the Know...thank you so much Leticia! We are passing this along to 5 blogs:

"The Most Regal Blog" Award from Rose Tea Cottage was royally bestowed upon us by the very frou-frou Duchess of Tea. It was officially declared that this award is nontransferable, and by royal decree we are forbidden from passing this along! How very exclusive of the Duchess...we love it!
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Make sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Google FriendConnect to be part of up-coming giveaways from Faire Frou Frou.

50 fabulous comments:

A Gift Wrapped Life said...

Thank you ladies! For the sweet award and the words of support. I will look forward to passing it along with all my frou-frou regards. XO ~ XO

Leslie said...

thank you! how fun! :)

ticklishfromadistance said...

I am flattered beyond belief. Truly. This made my day and I will pass it on as well. Thanks, ladies. So much!

vkvz said...

Thanks so much for the love! We're in very good company on this list.

Also, just tweeted about your fabulous giveaway - I'm sure our readers will love to enter! Keep me posted about any upcoming sales! said...

I will replace it with a prettier one that I am designing just from "Gals"

Blair Friedeman said...

Oh, thank you so much for including me! And thank you so much for your incredibly sweet comments this week!

Anonymous said...

And... You forgot one more award- The Deluxxe Award! Go pick it up from my blog's sidebar, you so deserve it!

All Women Everywhere said...

We love awards! And we love you. Thanks for the kind mention.

Revival Home & Garden

afternoon sequins said...

I am a newbie to your site and I am so happy I stumbled upon it! I love your room makeover post! Your room resembles my bedroom. If you have time, I would love for you to check out my blog at It's a interior design/fashion blog and I give my reader great inexpensive DIY tips.

I would love for you to visit! :)

Engra said...

Hello, I'm a Spanish girl and I am charmed with this blog, I have it in my favorites, I like lingerie so much and I'm charmed with the images of this blog


Diana said...

congrats on all the awards! i love this blog, it's so sexy but tasteful! That is not a combo you find these days.

debra@dustjacket said...

Oh I'm totally loving the Sexy Blog Award, thank you ... You Sexy Girls!
DJ xxx

Fabulous Finds Gal said...

Oh... I am so thankful to receive an award from you! Thank you so much! You gals set a high standard, so I'm gonna keep on blogging on...

You just made my week and it all worth it. I love when others enjoy. I enjoy your posts each and every day.

bananas. said...

oh my GOSH! that is the cutest award i've ever been honored to receive. thank you frou frou!!! and congrats to your for all the love you've received. we've all been frou frou'ed ;)

Wanderlusting said...

Congrats to everyone - love the look of that first award too!

Isabelle Lafleche said...

Merci beaucoup!!! XXXX

Annie Crowninshield said...

Thanks Sweetie!

Unknown said...

Ya'll were so sweet to give me an award, thank you so much! Congratulations to everyone else as well!

FrenchBlue said...

Thanks for my big smile today! I am happy and grateful that you chose FrenchBlue as a favorite. I am honored~

Duchess of Tea said...

What a lovely idea, crowns for you two sexy ladies. Thank you so much for the kind write-up girls, I sincerely appreciate it. Your blog deserves The Blog of the Year Award, truly. Thanks again this is beyond what I could have imagined.
Duchess xx

Diary of a Young Designer said...

Congrats! That is so fun!


FEDERICA said...

Congrats to everyone!

Natalia | Look-A-Porter said...

Oh, darlings! Thanks so much for such a lovely post and congratulations on all your awards! xxx

###### said...

congrats...i never heard of most of the blogs you posted so new ones for me to learn about, great!

Alexandra said...

Congrats to all the winners! I still love frou frou even though I was not selected. Keep being tasteful and beautiful!

Mademoiselle ♥♥ said...

Thanks for the award! The pictures on all of them are so cute!


Unknown said...

Congratulations on your Awards! What a great way to be appreciated and let others know how much you appreciate them!:-)))

layersofmeaning said...

Thank you so much for including me! I'm honored!

layersofmeaning said...

Thank you so much for including me! I'm honored!

Anonymous said...

yay, congrats on your awards darling!! they are very well-deserved :-)

Couture Carrie said...

Congrats on all you awards, darlings!

Just wanted to let you know that your giveaway has the most entries of any contest I have ever had ~ wow!!


Amber said...

Congratulations on all your wonderful awards. Your blog is truely beautiful.

Hanh, Life-in-Travel said...

Congratulation on your awards!!!



Miss G* said...

Congrats, you deserve it!

Kelley at My Island Wedding said...

love how you did this with the categories...

i'm realizing that i need a special kind of diet and excercise program immediately if i am to order any of your lovely items...

i'll get right on that!

amazing blog!

Blonde and Red said...

I am so grateful!!!! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You! It means so much! Fabulous Finds and Co is so right, you really set a high standard for blogging and I am so honoured that you like my blog!

Thank you so much! And congratulations on you award- so deserved! You are fabulous!!!!


Blonde and Red

Absolutely Ladylike said...

What a lovely post :-) Thank you so much for mention Absolutely Ladylike and congrats for the awards. You absolutely deserved all of them!

Much much love: Evi

Anonymous said...

What a great Idea! I haven't seen most of those blogs but will check them out :)

Blonde and Red said...

No I wish I would have been able to see it!! I am so jealous! I bet it was absolutely amazing!! DIta is a phenomenal performer. I saw her when she came to Toronto!!! You must post some pics!!!!

designani said...

heart ur blog...always

vapaus said...

aw thank you dear for the award! <3

[LA] said...


Unknown said...

Congratulations on all your awards!! Fabulous!!

High-Heeled Foot in the door said...

Oh Congrats on all the awards! They are well deserved!

Raquel said...

wow so many! congrats!!!

Susan said...

congrats on your awards- and thank you so much: I have just won your joint giveaway hosted by Couture Carrie! girls, I am so happy, you made my day, my weekend, my week...! :)
have a lovely weekend, xoxo

Damsels said...

great idea to spread the blog love !
congrats to allthe winnrs

kelly @ the string said...

well aren't you just the cutest thing EVER??? Thank you for the shizzout!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for this lovely award! I adore your blog too, it's always filled with so many gorgeous photos and inspiration galore!


Virginia de la Reynares said...

I know I'm quite late, but I must say thanks so much for the award! I feel so loved XD