CLOSED - Slipper Giveaway - CLOSED ~ Frou Frou Fashionista - Luxury Lingerie Blog for Faire Frou Frou

Wednesday, November 3

CLOSED - Slipper Giveaway - CLOSED

We just couldn't help ourselves...we're hosting yet another giveaway, and this time we are selecting 5 WINNERS!  We are hosting a giveaway of 5 pairs of slippers in Black.  The slippers are available in whole sizes 5-9. 

You can enter to win the following ways:
You can enter up to 5 times using the following methods above, but you need to leave a comment for each of those entries.  For instance, if you already follow us on Twitter and Facebook and want to enter, leave 2 comments on this post letting us know that you do so.  Each comment will serve as proof of entry into our contest. 

Contest closes at 11:59pm (PST) on November 12, 2010. Contest open to international entries. 

We will select our 5 winners (at random) on  Saturday, November 13, 2010.

302 fabulous comments:

«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 302   Newer›   Newest»
Lola Devlin said...

oooh fabulous! I already follow your blog here and I already "like" your facebook page!! And I love love love those bunny slippers! xx.L

Anonymous said...

i "like" your facebook page!!
so wanna win these

Anonymous said...

i "like" the streetzie's facebook page!!
so wanna win these

Anonymous said...

i follow your twitter page!!
so wanna win these

Anonymous said...

i follow this blog on google!!
so wanna win these

KC said...

This is a SUPER CUTE giveaway!!! I just liked your Facebook Page!

KC said...

Just followed you on twitter!

KC said...

Just followed via GFC!

KC said...

Just liked Streetzie's Page!!!

Fabulous Terrah said...

Oooh, funnn! I'm already a follower and am a fan of your Facebook page. *fingers crossed*

Breeyn McCarney said...

I already follow you on Twitter, but I just liked your facebook page! xoxo

Anonymous said...

I am a fan on facebook, twitter and follow the blog and a fan of Streetzies on twitter too! I can't say enough about the textiles and gifts you choose for your boutique. It's one of my favorite places to go. - In all the world. Keep up the glamour and always mention the unmentionables. xox

Cands Marie said...

I "like" Faire Frou Frou on Facebook :)

Cands Marie said...

I also follow Faire Frou Frou on twitter :)

Dane said...

I Like your FB Page!


Cands Marie said...

I've 'Like'd Streetzie's Facebook page

Unknown said...

Hi Girls! These are too cute! I follow your blog on Google! Keeping my fingers X'ed!

Unknown said...

Hi Girls! These are too cute! I follow your blog on Google! Keeping my fingers X'ed!

Unknown said...

Hi! I 'like' the Facebook page as well, not really, I LOVE it!
Thanks for this fabulous giveaway!!!
Paris Atelier

Dane said...

I already follow your blog on Google!


A Canadian with ccccold tootsies!

Unknown said...

Hi! I 'like' the Facebook page as well, not really, I LOVE it!
Thanks for this fabulous giveaway!!!
Paris Atelier

Dane said...

I Liked Streetzies FB Page!


A Canadian with ccccold tootsies!

Unknown said...

Hi again!
Just Liked the Streetzie's page on FB :)
Paris Atelier

Dane said...

I'm following your tweets on Twitter!


A Canadian with ccccold tootsies!

Unknown said...

Hi Gals! I folow you on Bloglovin' as well.
I am so excited about this giveaway! What a perfect Christmas present for myself ;)
Paris Atelier

Unknown said...

One last entry! I follow you on Twitter and just RT. Yay!
Judith~ said...

I "like you on Facebook! said...

I am following you on Twitter now as @GlamourBitch! said...

Following your blog via Bloglovin! said...

I "like" Streetzie's facebook page :) and left a comment there, too.

Miss Asha said...

These are gorgeous!

I am officially following both Facebook pages, Twitter and Bloglovin'!

Kathleen said...

I follow you on twitter. x

Kathleen said...

Your welcome,
I like your facebook page.

Kathleen said...

thank you,
I follow Streetzie on facebook. x

Anonymous said...

this is so beautiful!
thanks for your sweet comment, you know i'll be back to visit for sure!


Catherine said...

I am also dying to win these! I found your blog through a comment you left on mine and I'm so glad I visited!

"Liked" Faire Frou Frou on Facebook!

Catherine said...

I also followed you on Bloglovin'! (e-mail

Catherine said...

And I "liked" Streetzie's High Heel Bunny Slippers on Facebook!

Catherine said...

And I followed Alison & Gail Rubke on Twitter (my username is 'scapulae')!

Catherine said...

Also, the google friend connect link didn't work for me, so I followed your blog using Google Reader (hope that works too!)

Thanks for hosting this contest~ :) These are too cute!

Yasmin Joo said...

I liked your facebook page!

-Yasmin Joo

Yasmin Joo said...

followed you on twitter!


Retro Model Sari said...

I follow your blog

Retro Model Sari said...

I like you on fb :-)

Retro Model Sari said...

I follow you on twitter.

Yasmin Joo said...

followed you using google friend connect...

Retro Model Sari said...

And now I like Streetzie´s on FB, too :-)

Emmie in Wonderland said...

Following FFF on FB!

Emmie in Wonderland said...

Following Streetzie's FB!

Emmie in Wonderland said...


Emmie in Wonderland said...

Following FFF on Twitter!

Jenni said...

following your blog under GFC as Jennifer :)

tryme.imtoxic at gmail dot com

Jenni said...

following on twitter: barbiepinknails

tryme.imtoxic at gmail dot com

Jenni said...

liked your facebook page:
(Jennifer Hui)

Tracey said...

I like Frou Frou Fashionista on FB-tracey byram.

Tracey said...

I follow fairefroufrou on twitter-traymona

Tracey said...

I like Streetzies on FB-tracey byram.

Katie@knickers said...

I like your FB page

Katie@knickers said...

I like Streetzie FB page

Katie@knickers said...

p.s. Tho' this doesn't count as an entry I will be posting this giveaway on Friday! Great deal Alison!

Grumpy old man said...

My wife will love those, so I am already following you on twitter.

Grumpy old man said...

I liked your slippers on facebook!!


Grumpy old man said...

I am already following you on Friend connect.


Grumpy old man said...

I just liked Streetzie's facebook!

Have a lovely day.


Unknown said...

Already following you on Google!

Unknown said...

Also liked your Facebook page!

Deadly Jane said...

I <3 the pink bunnies!! I follow your blog on google :)

Unknown said...

Following you on Twitter (@sheila_vaz)

Deadly Jane said...

Entry #2 for me :) I already have you 'liked' on my Facebook page, your store is flawlessly Fabulous!!

Deadly Jane said...

I added and 'liked' Streetzie's bunny'licious facebook page :)

Deadly Jane said...

Officially following your blog via Bloglovin as well! :)

Anonymous said...

I like Streetzie's Facebook Page :)

Magali Vaz said...

Liked your facebook page a long time ago! :)

Anonymous said...

I already like your Facebook Page

Anonymous said...

I already follow you on Twitter via @SweetyPW

Unknown said...


i "like" your facebook page!!
Ivânia Diamond*

Magali Vaz said...

Following you on Twitter: I am @Magali_c

Magali Vaz said...

Following via Google too!

Unknown said...

i "like" the streetzie's facebook page!!

Ivânia Diamond*

Anonymous said...

I like FB page ! my fb name : ipeh busman

Magali Vaz said...

Following via Bloglovin too! Email is

Unknown said...

I follow this blog in the google!!

Ivânia Diamond*

Anonymous said...

Following @fairefroufrou on twitter, my twitter name : @Lollibunniee

Magali Vaz said...

Also liked Streetzie. I am Magali Caira Vaz on Facebook

Anonymous said...

Follow your Blog via Google Friend Connect , username : ipehishere

Anonymous said...

Follow Frou Frou Fashionista on Bloglovin'

Anonymous said...

'Like' Streetzie's Facebook page !
Fb name : ipeh busman

Unknown said...

I like your facebook page AND Streetzie's facebook page!!!

Unknown said...

These are some great slippers! My wife would look fantastic in these (as she does everything else!) Love your blog!

Katie@knickers said...

I also follow you on Bloglovin' so you can see I really want a pair of these slippers xoxo Katie

Anonymous said...

Lily here....I've been following you on Twitter since day one. ♥ Love you Alison.

Anonymous said...

Lily again (of Opulence) Hoping for some bunny slippers. xox Again, I adore you & Faire Frou Frou Alison.

Julie L. Light said...

I "like" your Facebook page (Julie Wikberg Light).
Thanks for the fabulous giveaway!

Julie L. Light said...

I follow via Google friend connect (fabulous finds studio)

Julie L. Light said...

I "like" Streetzie's facebook page (julie wikberg light)

Julie L. Light said...

I follow you on Twitter (fabulousfinds)

Cafe Groenhout said...

I follow you via Google Friend Connect.

Adorable! :)

Lilly said...

I like on FB (Lilly Papers)
Thanks for the chance. They're so adorable!
eli_green22 at yahoo dot com dot br

Samantha Nandez said...

Liked on Facebook!

Samantha Nandez said...

Following on Twitter now!!

Anonymous said...

I follow your blog here and on Bloglovin' :) These are too cute


True Pleasures said...

Liked you on Facebook as True Reviews

True Pleasures said...

Following you on Twitter as TruePleasures

Dawn Steckmesser said...

I LOVE your Facebook page! I will follow you......wherever you may go!

True Pleasures said...

Following your blog via the link in the Blogger toolbar. The Google Friend Connect link in the post kept giving me an error.

True Pleasures said...

Following you via bloglovin' true.pleasures at gmail dot com

True Pleasures said...

Liked Streetzies on FaceBook as True Reviews

True Pleasures said...

Following you via Bloglovin' true.pleasures at gmail dot com

(Pardon if this comes up as a duplicate comment. It seems a couple of my comments didn't get registered the first time.)

Unknown said...





I "like" your facebook page!!!!

pretty pretty please pick me!!!!!



The French Maid said...

Now THIS is a fun contest! And actually the first one I've ever entered!
Following via Google Friend Connect!
You girls are the BEST!
--Lee Ann

Heli'♥beauties said...

i'm you follower.
Thanks for the lovely giveaway.




I've added you on my side bar.
i'm also having a giveaway, if you have time drop by!!

have a nice day

Annika said...

I follow you on twitter as @Annihiir.


Annika said...

I follow you via GFC.


Anonymous said...

I "like" your blog on Facebook (FB name: Maddie Brubaker). Thanks for the great giveaway!
maddiemb (at) comcast (dot) net

Anonymous said...

I follow you on Twitter (@shala_darkstone).
maddiemb (at) comcast (dot) net

Anonymous said...

I follow your Blog via Google Friend Connect.
maddiemb (at) comcast (dot) net

Anonymous said...

I follow your Blog via Bloglovin'.
maddiemb (at) comcast (dot) net

Anonymous said...

I 'Like' Streetzie's Facebook page (FB name: Maddie Brubaker).
maddiemb (at) comcast (dot) net

Rachael said...

Such a great giveaway!!!

I already liked you guys on FB!

Rachael said...

I also follow you guys on GFC!

Rachael said...

I follow the blog on Bloglovin!

Rachael said...

I follow this blog on Twitter!

Rachael said...

And I also liked Streetzie on FB!

Cands Marie said...

I Follow via Bloglovin'

Cands Marie said...

My last of 5 entries :) I follow via Google Friend Connect. Love the current window display even without the orange Halloween boa, each time my 9 yr son and I would pass by I would say how much I love the store and he would just giggle ;) Hope to be in very soon.

meeyeehere said...

I like you on facebook as rachel carter crisman

meeyeehere said...

follow you on twitter@meeyeehere

meeyeehere said...

gfc follower too

meeyeehere said...

I like streetz too on FB
Thank you! I would love to win a pair,got my fingers crossed.

Hotsy Malone said...

I like your Facebook page and seriously want to win those adorable slippers! Pink Please!


Hotsy Malone said...

I follow you on Twitter via octmoonboutique

How cute are those slippers??
Too cute I say!


Hotsy Malone said...

And now I follow Streetzie's on Facebook via Hotsy, so pretty please I would love to be prancing around in a pair of those slippers soon!


Hotsy Malone said...

Google Friend Connected at Last!!! Why, we may start taking vacations together we're so darn connected now!


Now the more I see of the Black Bunny I'm starting to get torn between black and pink!!!

Hotsy Malone said...

And last but certainly not least as I really DO want these slippers I'm a Blog Lovin Fool over ya all and following you round like an old hounddog!


Unknown said...

Awesome! I love these, too cute! I love the pink ones, darling! I follow you via Google Friend Connect! XX!

Unknown said...

I like you on FB! XX!

Unknown said...

I follow you on Twitter! XX!

Silver Bella said...

I 'Like' your Facebook page!
FB Name: Silver Bella
silverbella11 at gmail dot com

Silver Bella said...

Following you on twitter as @silverbella11
silverbella11 at gmail dot com

Silver Bella said...

Following your Blog via Google Friend Connect!
silverbella11 at gmail dot com

Silver Bella said...

Follow your Blog via Bloglovin'
silverbella11 at gmail dot com

Silver Bella said...

Following Streetzie's on Facebook as Silver Bella!
silverbella11 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I follow you at Twitter @slipofagirl


Yuliya said...

hello! I follow you here and on twitter! = )

Anonymous said...

Already a fan of Streetzies, and just 'liked' your page on FB too.

Im now off to find a photo of me wearing bunny rabbit slippers aged 2!

xx Vicki Adams-Salmon xx

Anthrid said...

I like the Frou Frou Facebook page! These slippers are the best!

Anthrid said...

I like the Streetzies Facebook page! The more press the better for these!

Anthrid said...

I follow Frou Frou on Twitter!

kim kirby said...

Love you long time! I need some slippers for my newly wed fun times! I have the perfect outfit to wear with them!


Melanie's Randomness said...

OMG these are just too cute!!!!! I have to win a pair pretty please!!

I'm a follower via Google Friend Connect!

Melanie's Randomness said...

I'm a follower of yours on twitter!! I'm @MelsRandomness

Melanie's Randomness said...

I follow you on Bloglovin!

Anonymous said...

I've been secretly in love with these slippers for the past month. Of course I'd want to win a pair!!!

I follow via Google Friends!


Anonymous said...

I'm a fan on facebook :)

*Wendy Lothrop*

Hope Jensen said...

I "like" your facebook page and I've "like" Streetzie for a while!! I wanna win a pair!

Hope Jensen said...

these are so cute! I'm a fan on facebook :) I hope I get a pair :)

Lynzy said...

Absolutely Positively in love!!! I am a fan of yours on facebook :)

xo Lynzy

Lynzy said...

Now a follower of yours on twitter ;) (@sparklingsteps)

Lynzy said...

Now following you via google!

Lynzy said...

Also on bloglovin'!

Lynzy said...

Finally I have "liked" Streetzie's on facebook.

Fingers double crossed ;)

Olivia @ Swan White Curtain said...

I "liked" your facebook page!

Olivia @ Swan White Curtain said...

I also "liked" Streetzies on facebook!

Olivia @ Swan White Curtain said...

I already follow your blog on Google!

SUZY WONG! said...

I've followed FFF on Facebook, under the name, Suong Phan <3 So excited!

Unknown said...

following your blog via gfc
tanyainjville at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I like streetzies on facebook (Tanya Riley)
tanyainjville at yahoo dot com

Cherie said...

these are adorable! I'm already following you via google friend connect!

Trisha B. said...

I'm a fan on facebook

Clare Tea said...

i follow this blog vai google connect! I hope i win so much... they're soooooooooo cute!!! SUPER love the pink ones!

le.paradis.found at gmail dot com

Clare Tea said...

i follow on twitter @icitea~

Clare Tea said...

i follow tyour blog via blog loving! @icitea

Clare Tea said...

like stretzie's face book page @itsuko

Clare Tea said...

like froufroufashionista on fb @itsuko tea

Olivia @ Swan White Curtain said...

I'm now a follower on Bloglovin too!

Merky said...

I am now following you on Facebook, Twitter, and now Google Friend Connect! Did I tell you how much I love those Streetzie bunny slippers. #iDie

Camelia Andrasescu said...

I liked you on FB (Adriana Camelia Andrasescu-Scrieciu)

Camelia Andrasescu said...

I follow you via GFC under the name Camelia Andrasescu

Camelia Andrasescu said...

i liked Streetzie's on FB (Adriana Camelia Andrasescu-Scrieciu )

Anonymous said...

Oooo, pretty pretty please I need those pretty pretty Streetzie bunny slippers! IN LOVE!

The Backroom Boutique said...

I've been a fan of your facebook page for a while now and i LOVE the slippers!!! Oooh what a dream it would be if i won!

DeAguiar Designs said...

Hi guys!

I love this idea! I am thinking of doing a silver jewelry giveaway using this same concept! Hope to see you guys soon.


mary said...

Oh my,
I want them!
I want them!
I want them!I want them!
I want them!
I want them!
I want them!
I want them!

//// said...

I LOVE these slippers! And Faire Frou Frou <3

kim kirby said...

Consider this my most excited entry yet!

Ginny Gibson said...

Just the cutest bunnies love them.

Ginny Gibson said...

and i have been on FB and love them on there too :-)

Michelle G. said...

I "Like" Faire Frou Frou on Facebook.


Michelle G. said...

I "Like" Streetzie's on Facebook.


Michelle G. said...

I follow FaireFrouFrou on Twitter.

freehugs4me(at)yahoo(dot)com said...

I'm a follower via GFC (Becky) said...

I like your Facebook page (Rebeca Crespo Diaz) said...

I follow you on Twitter (Beckycd91) said...

I like Streetzie's Facebook page (Rebeca Crespo Diaz)

Laura Davies said...

I can't wait to win these!

Laura Davies said...

I follow FaireFrouFrou on Twitter. @ledavies

your golden poppy said...

Saw these slippers yesterday when my sister and I were in your store, adoroable! Thanks for all your help and finding me some things from your recent shipment, can't wait to visit again.

Ali said...

i follow via twitter @ socialison
socialison at gmail dot com

Grace Wong said...

Adorable slippers!
I like your facebook page as Grace Wong!

Grace Wong said...

I follow you on twitter as gracewong1!

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