photo by Alison R. with roses from my backyard!
As most of you know, Faire Frou Frou is owned by my mom and I, and together we maintain our boutique, online store and blog. However today's post is my opportunity to write a small dedication to my mom, given that Mother's Day is just around the corner.
Mother's Day is a great opportunity to say 'thank you', and I would like to do just that. This is a thank you to my mom for encouraging me to follow my dreams, for always lending an ear even when she's tired or busy, and for consistently providing support and the right words when I needed it. For those of you who know her, you will agree that she is generous (to a fault!), loyal, creative and young-at-heart. You also know that my mom is my #1 supporter (and yes, she likes to brag about her only daughter!).
photo courtesy of Robert Evans Studio