Thursday, January 20

Introducing: Little Frou Frou Fashionista

photo credits: John Rawlings, Bordelle model via Flirty Skin, Immodesty Blaize, Samantha Hahn artwork, Sonia Rykiel fashion show via Pandora, Tetyana Brezhnyk, Tracy Jenkins artwork, Inguna Butane for Vogue Mexico, Fan the Fire magazine

It is our great pleasure to share our latest little project with you, and that's the creation of our mini blog oh-so-originally called Little Frou Frou Fashionista.  It's essentially a website for us to post images that inspire us on any given day.  The mini blog will not be as lingerie-focused as this site, but certainly won't be a departure from our typical frou-frou style.  The above images are examples of photos we have posted (or will post) that give you an idea of what to expect. 
As if you didn't have enough websites to follow us with, we added one your head swimming yet?  The Little Frou Frou Fashionista is located at 

So let's re-cap the worldwide web wildfire that is becoming Faire Frou Frou:
Shop -
Blog -
Tweets -
Facebook -
Mini Blog - 

The Little Frou Frou Fashionista is a supplementary blog that will not at all replace this site.  We already have it linked to our Twitter account, so if you follow us there you will receive regular updates on what we post.  We just hope our new little blog will inspire you as it inspires us!


  1. Gorgeous, and so much fun!!

  2. Hello girls, happy birthday and reveal to your baby blog! I've recently added a new one myself, too. It feels special. :) Will definitely follow you here and there. If you feel like visiting my new baby (the old one is FashionTitbits), just click on my name above.

    Wishing you a wonderful day!

  3. I love it!!! I am constantly "liking" Gail's photos on facebook because you girls not only have an eye for luxury lingerie, but all things gorgeous!!!

    One more thing: I was wondering if you could do me a small favor- I submitted my blog for refinery29's next style blogger contest and I wanted to see if you could vote for me {and/or possibly get the word out somehow?} I would be so incredibly appreciative...You have to click on the heart below my name and sign into Facebook.



  4. Go for it girls why not will enjoy taking a peek, I'm in the process of starting another blog so my heads spinning with you!! :)) x

  5. I love tumblr :)

    Its great for a visual stream of inspiration that might not necessarily work on the blog... I have one too to compliment Spokes N Daggers :)

    But be warned some horror movies make it on there sometimes haha :)

    Gaby xo

  6. Anonymous4:14 AM

    your tumblr is gorgeous! happy weekend. xo

  7. look forward to seeing more xxxx

  8. I love it! more inspiration!

  9. Nice collection of pictures - love the reds for Valentine's Day - just 3 weeks away!

  10. Your blog is one of my very favorites, your posts are very inspiring to me! Right now I am doing a giveaway on my blog that you might be interested in;


Thank you for taking the time to comment on the Frou Frou Fashionista!
