Saturday, March 27

Lace Tights

images via here, Diane Kruger in Marie Claire UK, April 2010, photographs by Marc Hom

The stockings in these pictures are so amazing, they truly are deserving of their own post! Whose are they? We don't know (because we don't own a physical copy of the Marie Claire UK issue), but based on the 'outfit post' blogs we've visited, we've seen some pretty cool similar styles by Urban Outfitters, F21, ASOS and Only Hearts. If you don't already own a pair of lace tights, now is the time to get them! We're not sure how long this trend will last, but it's certainly a trend worth wearing while you can.
By the way, that sexy bodysuit is worth a mention too - how sexy!!

P.S. - Faire Frou Frou boutique will be re-opening very soon! Keep checking in for our Grand Re-Opening announcement!!!! In the meantime, you can still shop on our website at, which will also be unveiling its new look in a few weeks!

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  1. Anonymous10:09 AM

    I must admit, as much as I like the photos (including the tights) I really really dislike them in real like mostly because they make most women look very cheap... :( Sorry, girls... x

  2. fashiontitbits - i completely understand where you're coming from! it's one of those trends that isn't for everyone...but certainly looks hot in these pictures! ;-)

  3. OMG... hot stuff!! I love these tights! I'm always looking for hot new things to wear. Thanks for the idea!

  4. I will be looking forward to reading your future posts, hoping to read more about those lovely floral patterned sheer black tights modeled by Diane Kruger on Marie Claire's UK cover. I think that they would help me look sexy, and not cheap. Although my recollection is that there was a prior print article in Marie Claire UK that was had sexist overtones (dismissive of womens' management skills) I don't think these photos are demeaning or cheapening at all. The look straight forward sexy, not cheap. Love those tights!

  5. The sheer black floral designed hosiery modeled by Diane Kruger in Marie Claire UK is positively gorgeous. I would love it if you found out who makes them and included his beautiful lingerie in another post. While I do seem to recall comments about a different Marie Claire UK print article title questioning women's management skills and being lambasted for it, these photos are simply beautiful, sexy and not "cheap" looking at all! They're gorgeous. How sad if anyone associates beautiful lingerie like this with "cheapness". Love those tights!

  6. those are some awesome tights!

  7. Those are absolutely gorgeous! But I agree with fashiontitbits.... they need the perfect setting to look glamorous. In everyday life, they'll look a lot more tackier than they should. But then again, Diane can pull anything off ;-)

  8. O love lace tight. I used to have some years ago but they broke and now I need to get new ones.
    B* a la Moda

  9. sexy stockings. definitely deserving of their own post. could not take my eyes offf them

  10. They are so lovely and lacey. Darling I have missed you terribly. Sorry I have been a bit absent lately! I am finally getting to catch up, I needed some me time to relax and to get rid of my never-ending migraines. I am so glad I was able to find the time to do so. Your blog looks fabulous as always. Hope you're having a great weekend.

    Love & Hugs

  11. Amazing post, I'm lacking a pair of lace tights but I fear I would destroy them in seconds!

  12. Looks SO amazing in these images. Makes me want to try them. I think with the right dress/skirt, they could look divine.

  13. I love these pictures and how the stylist and the photographer worked! A beautiful way to mix a cream bodysuit with original fishnet stockings!! It's good to see new ideas, new possibilities...Diane Kruger looks amazing ♥ These outfits go perfectly well with her enigmatic personality!
    xoxo Giselle

  14. Diane Kruger is so Hot in this Editorial! And makes wearing lace tights a cinch!

  15. Wow wow wow, these are so gorgeous! I love lace tights.


  16. Anonymous7:08 PM

    I love these, I own a couple similar to the ones shown :)

  17. I'm all for this!! If styled right they can be classy!

  18. Thanks for sharing this editorial!

    The tights look like they might be by Pamela Mann...they look very similar to these two versions sold at MyTights.

  19. I love lace tights, and I agree F21 has lots of nice one, and they are affordable, I love the roses on these they are beautiful

  20. I love these! I've been trying to find some great lace tights...trying to lighten up from my opaque winter ones for spring.

    Oh and thanks so much for stopping by my blog & your sweet comments. I've loved yours for so long. You've been on my blogroll forever!

    Hope your week is off to a great start! :)


  21. ugh, so so SO fabulous!

  22. Ok- I may actually have to have these!!! Hot. Hot. Hot.


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