Sunday, September 27

Lingerie As Outerwear...Really...

Marc Jacobs runway SS2010
images via here

Every time New York Fashion Week hits, we eagerly search for any trends having to do with lingerie, and Marc Jacobs hit the spot! Though admittedly we aren't crazy about this look, it certainly is fun and noteworthy. Actually, if the trend of wearing your bra outside your blouse catches on, we will be in heaven...finally a way to show off all of the beautiful pieces that we own! Though we have a feeling that won't be happening anytime soon.
The bras kind of remind us of The Lake & Stars...perhaps Marc Jacobs was inspired while reading about them on the Frou Frou Fashionista! (okay, yeah right).

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  1. Ooh lovely! Marc Jacobs really did an absolutely fantastic job this year at fashion week, I was so impressed!

  2. Loving pic 3... So gorgeous and fabulous!! x

  3. cool but i don`t like it so

  4. OMG! This is solely FAB Interesting!
    I must confess I luv # 3 !!!:)
    p.s. HAPPY MONDAY!

  5. oh wow! Such a shock this collection of Marc Jacobs haha... but in a good way yes, I agree with you that someday, somehow we should be able to show off those "beautiful pieces" that we own and that are expensive too!^^

    lovely post.


  6. there's something about this trend that i sort of like.
    Also, love that third picture.

  7. How funny. Off to your store... great site!

  8. Anonymous2:27 PM

    that first photo is just amazing, LOVE IT xxx

  9. oooh, i love the third image too!

  10. I love marc jacobs, and on the runway this looks good, but I am not sure I"m going to be pulling this look off any time soon.


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