Monday, June 1

Ooh, One More Award!

To complete our week of blog 'publicity', we received a "Lovely Blog Award" from Bonjour Madame. Thank you so much! Stephanie's site focuses on all things French, lovely and inspiring...she did a killer series of posts on Versailles not too long ago. It makes you feel like you just took a trip there!
We wanted to pass this award along to 10 of our favorite "lovely" blogs:
  1. This is Glamorous - if you enjoy glamour, whether in fashion, design or food, this blog is for you!
  2. The English Muse - so good on so many levels. visiting the site feels like visiting a dear old friend.
  3. Beautiful Things to Share - a lovely and beautiful blog written by a lovely gal.
  4. French Blue - a celebration of whimsy, design and sweet images from she has a darling online store.
  5. Sugar Pop Tarts - it's kind of like a more risque version of Frou Frou Fashionista!
  6. Blonde and Red - retro loveliness and a celebration of bombshell pin-ups.
  7. Elements of Style - kind of like an online version of Domino magazine!
  8. Knickers - we were reading this blog before we knew what a blog was! Danae is a true internet pioneer.
  9. La Dolce Vita - such beautiful design inspiration; each post is a must-see.
  10. La Jeune Marie - visually enticing eye candy.
Whew! We actually visit SO many blogs, so it was really hard to make our selection!


  1. Thank you so much! You are too sweet. :)

  2. Thank you so much for the award, ladies! I'm lucky that I have such talented women working with me :-). You guys have taken to blogging like ducks to water - I love your blog!

  3. you're welcome!

    Danae, you certainly do have a great team! If this were the Oscars, Knickers would win for Best Ensemble Cast!

  4. Oh Thank You Thank You!! I just want to say, I am very honored that this very beautiful blog awarded my blog~ Thank you so much very pretty ladies~

  5. totally deserve them!

  6. I cannot thank you enough for the award and your kind comments!! You girls are just lovely! And I love your blog!!!!

  7. Congratulations on your award and for sharing so many wonderful is so amazing that there are so many wonderful, talented people out there and we can all share with our blogs...
    Fondly, Roberta

  8. congratulations on your award, you deserve it! your blog is just beautiful! also, thank you so much for this award, you are so sweet. i am honored to accept this award from you. thank you again!

    God Bless,

  9. How absolutely delightful -- Thanks so much, Alison!

    Hope you're having a lovely week,

  10. Merci! Je suis tellement reconnaissante! Bisous, chérie.

  11. My Dears, thank you so much for the award! I'm so touched by your kind words! I love your blog! xoxo

  12. Anonymous11:52 AM

    I'll visit these !

  13. Nice post. Really I liked it.



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