Wednesday, July 9

Caroline Knopf; Lingerie & Photography

caroline knopf

Photographer: Caroline Knopf

We love these photos because they combine two of our favorite things: ballet and lingerie. These photos are from ZOOZOOM, our new favorite online magazine! What's pretty nice about this shoot is that the underwear is provided by American Apparel and Circus. The talent of the photographer/model/stylist comes through when we believe that she's wearing thousands of dollars worth of clothing. Or better yet, when someone is able to combine the everyday with the high-end...exquisite!


  1. Oh My, there are some fancy things on this blog! Thanks for stopping by mine, so that I may find yours!

  2. Oh my - these are amazing photos!

  3. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog! These photos are great. I think I need to take some inspiration here and buy something other than nude-colored bras?!


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